
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2022. “Food Sovereignty in American Indian Communities.” Handbook of the North American Indian, Introductory Volume. Ed by Igor Krupnik Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. P 230-246.
Muckioki, Megan, Elizabeth Hoover, Jennifer Sowerwine, Intertribal Agriculture Council, Keir Johnson-Reyes. 2022. “Covid-19 Impact on American Indian Food Producers.” Journal of Agriculture and Human Values or Journal of Agriculture Food Systems and Community Development. 11(3) 121-137
Kutka, Frank; Sheila Blackman, Elizabeth Hoover, Sara Alavi, Kathleen Wu, Rowen White. 2022.
“Techniques for Regenerating Old Seeds.” Tribal College and University Research Journal. Vol 6
(spring 2022):6-19.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2022. “Our Own Foods as a Healing: The Role of Health in the Native
American Food Sovereignty Movement.” Journal for the Anthropology of North America
24(2):89-97. https://doi.org/10.1002/nad.12154
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2021. “‘Research, ceremonies, and healing are an empowerment process;’
How Mohawk Midwife Katsi Cook Brought the Needs of Women into Environmental Health
Research.” In Junctures in Women’s Leadership: Healthcare and Public Health edited by Ruth
Charbonneau, Rutgers University Press.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2021. “The Indigenous Corn Keepers Conference of Uchben Kah.” New
Farmers’ Almanac, Vol V Grand Land Plan. Editor in Chief Severine von Tscharner Fleming,
Lead Editor Briana Olson. Published by Greenhorns, printed by McNaughton and Gunn. P 172-
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2021. “Protecting Our Living Relatives: Environmental Reproductive Justice and Seed Rematriation.” E-flux architecture. Special Issue: “Exhausted,” April 13 2021.
reprinted as;
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2021. “Sky Woman’s Daughters.” The Common Table May 13 2021
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2020. “Native Food Systems Impacted by COVID” Journal of Agriculture
and Human Values 37(3). DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10089-
7 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10460-020-10089-7?wt_mc=Inter...
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2020. “ For Tribal Peoples, Food Justice Requires Environmental Justice.” In
Lessons in Environmental Justice: From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter, edited by Michael
Mascarenhas, 199-215. Los Angeles CA: Sage Publishing.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2020. “Whose Citizenship in ‘Citizen Science;’ Tribal Identity, Civic
Dislocation, and Environmental Health Research.” IN Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post Truth Age. edited by Thom Davies and Alice Mah, Manchester University Press.
Wilson, Diane, Rowen White and Elizabeth Hoover. 2020. “Reclaiming our Indigenous food economies.” Farming Matters 36 (1):39-40.
Hoover, Elizabeth 2019. “‘Fires were lit inside them;’ The Pyropolitics of Water Protector
Camps at Standing Rock.” RIAS - Review of International American Studies; Indigenous Social
Movements in the Americas issue 12(1):11-44. Available
at https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/RIAS/article/view/7391
Hoover, Elizabeth and Sean Sherman. 2019. “The answers to our ancestors’ prayers;” Seeding a
movement for health and culture.” Seeds: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and
Cookery 2018. Edited by Mark Mcwilliams, 198-211. Blackwaton, UK: Prospect Books.
White, Rowen and Elizabeth Hoover. 2019. “Our Living Relatives: Maintaining Resilience and
Seed Diversity in Native American Communities.” IN The New Farmers Almanac, Vol 4, edited
and published by the Greenhorns. P 332-337.
Mihesuah, Devon and Elizabeth Hoover, editors. 2019. Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the
United States: Restoring Cultural Knowledge, Protecting Environments, and Regaining Health.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Isaac, Gwyneira; Joseph Gone, Jenny Joe, Elizabeth Hoover, Clarita Lefthand Begay, Stewart
Hill. 2018. “Native American Perspectives on Health and Traditional Environmental
Knowledge” Environmental Health Perspectives 126(12)
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2018. “Environmental Reproductive Justice: Intersections in an American
Indian Community Impacted by Environmental Contamination.” Environmental Sociology. 4(1):
8-21, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23251042.2017.1381898
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2018. “Food Boxes Have Already Failed for Native Communities, Why Would
They Work for SNAP?” Teen Vogue, March 2, 2018.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2017. “’You can’t say you’re sovereign if you can’t feed yourself:’ Defining
and Enacting Food Sovereignty in American Indian Community Gardening” American Indian
Culture and Research Journal 41(3): 31-70. DOI 10.17953/aicrj.41.3.hoover
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2017. “Environmental Reproductive Justice: Intersections in an American
Indian Community Impacted by Environmental Contamination.” Environmental Sociology.
Published online September 30 2017. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2017.1381898
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2017. The River is in Us; Fighting Toxics in a Mohawk Community.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2016. “We’re not going to be guinea pigs;” Citizen Science and
Environmental Health in a Native American Community” Journal of Science Communication
15(1). Published online January 21 2016. Available at http://jcom.sissa.it/archive/15/01/JCOM_1501_2016_A05
Hoover, Elizabeth, Phil Brown, Michael Edelstein and Mia Renauld. 2015. “Social Science
Collaboration with Environmental Health.” Environmental Health Perspectives
DOI:10.1289 http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/1409283/
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2013. “Cultural and Health Implications of Fish Advisories in a Native
American Community" Ecological Processes 2:4. doi:10.1186/2192-1709-2-
4 http://www.ecologicalprocesses.com/content/2/1/4/abstract
Hoover, Elizabeth, Katsi Cook, Ron Plain, Kathy Sanchez, Vi Waghiyi, Pamela Miller, Renee
Dufault, Caitlin Sislin and David O. Carpenter. 2012. “Indigenous Peoples of North America:
Environmental Exposures and Reproductive Justice” Environmental Health
Perspectives.120:1645-1649. http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/wp-
Brown, Phil; Stephen Zavestoski, Sabrina McCormick, Brian Mayer, Rachel Morello-Frosch,
Rebecca Gasior Altman, Crystal Adams, and Elizabeth Hoover. 2011. “Embodied Health
Movements: Uncharted Territory in Social Movement Research.” In Contested Illnesses:
Ethnographic Explorations. Edited by Phil Brown, Rachel Morello-Frosch, and Stephen
Zavestoski. University of California Press.
Brown,Phil; Rachel Morello-Frosch, Stephen Zavestoski, Laura Senier, Rebecca Altman,
Elizabeth Hoover, Sabrina McCormick, Brian Mayer, and Crystal Adams. 2010. “Health Social
Movements: Advancing Traditional Medical Sociology Concepts” In Handbook of Health,
Illness & Healing: Blueprint for the 21st Century. Ed by Bernice A. Pescosolido, Jack K. Martin,
Jane McLeod, and Anne Rogers, New York: Springer. P 117-138.
Brown, Phil; Rachel Morello-Frosch , Stephen Zavestoski, Laura Senier, Rebecca Altman,
Elizabeth Hoover, Sabrina McCormick, Brian Mayer, and Crystal Adams. 2010. “Field Analysis
and Policy Ethnography: New Directions for Studying Health Social Movements.” IN Social
Movements and the Transformation of American Health Care. Edited by Mayer Zald, Jane
Banaszak-Holl, and Sandra Levitsky. Oxford University Press. P 101-116.
Hoover, Elizabeth, Phil Brown, Mara Averick, Robert Hurt, and Agnes Kane. 2009. "Teaching
Small and Thinking Large: Effects of Including Social and Ethical Implications in an
Interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Course." Journal of Nano Education. 1(1): 86-95.
Senier, Laura; Benjamin Hudson; Sarah Fort; Elizabeth Hoover; Rebecca Tilson; Phil Brown.
2008 "The Brown Superfund Basic Research Program: A Multistakeholder Partnership
Addresses Real-World Problems in Contaminated Communities" Environmental Science and Technology. 42 (13), pp 4655–4662.
Book Reviews
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2020. “Return to Reciprocity” (review of Traditional Ecological Knowledge;
Learning from Indigenous Practices for Environmental Sustainability edited by Melissa K.
Nelson and Dan Shilling). Minding Nature 13(2) https://www.humansandnature.org/return-to-
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2019. “Review of A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security & Land-Based Practices in Northern Ontario.” Native American and Indigenous Studies 6(1):203-205.
Hoover, Elizabeth. 2019. “Review of Food Sovereignty The Navajo Way: Cooking With Tall
Woman by Charlotte Frisbie.” American Anthropologist. April 2019 DOI: 10.1111/aman.13232